Why Not Us X Times Up (Big Paw’s Sister)
Registration: 660691001
Ear Notch: 95-1
Bred by & Owned with Rodibaugh Genetic Team
Housed at Crossroads Genetics
-Incredible off the farm purchase from Rodibaugh prior to The Exposition!
-A must have kind of sire that we came across on our annual trip to Rensselaer!
-The fact that he is sired by Why Not Us, the popular boar at Beaman’s that was lost too quickly, really grabbed our attention!
-When Steve told us that the Times Up mother was a littermate to Big Paw, we were all in!
-Pumped up to have this one and scary how much he resembles his maternal uncle, Big Paw!
-A dense made one that impeccably built!
-Enormous feet, giant legs, and hind leg that function in a square and loose manor!
-Shapely backed with great body shape and dimension!
-Stout skull that still ties in a neat kind of look!
-The right length of body and frame size to make competitive Yorkshire show pigs!
-Big, square chest when he comes at you and wide, square rump as he goes away!
-The right choice in making elite Yorkshires BY ALL MEANS necessary!