Sneak Peek X Time Out x Revolution (Happy Hour Grand dam & Secrets Out dam)
Registration: 167865008
Ear Notch: 52-8
Bred by & Owned with McGrew Showpigs
Owned with Lackey Livestock
Housed at Crossroads Genetics
- Big-time Perfect Timing purchase!
- Attention grabbing Landrace prospect in the fall that’s turned into an incredible looking sire!
- From one of the very best in the business backed by a rich and deep pedigree full of dominating genetics!
- The Revolution grand dam is special as she is Happy Hour’s grand dam & Secrets Out’s dam!
- Littermate sister was named Champion Landrace Gilt at the 2024 San Antonio Stock Show!
- Impressive kind of Landrace boar that paints a refreshing picture from the side!
- Height of shoulder, extension ahead of his blade and levelness of hip coupled with a short backed skeleton, make him a must use!
- A stout boned big footed one that is loaded with feature!
- Crisp kind of muscle shape atop a round rib cage complement his proportionality!
- The feedback and popularity this one generates on tours paired with his next level phenotype makes us feel like he’s going to make Landrace showpigs that will hit competitors out of nowhere leaving the winners saying you CAN’T C ME on the way to the