Little Bro (Cross)

  • Sale
  • Regular price $250.00
Tax included.

Dirty Secret x Ante Up (240-12) x Hillbilly Bone (108-10)

Stress Status: Unknown
Housed at: Heimer Hamps

Housed at Heimer Hampshires

Incredibly fertile and sires extraordinary depth! Little Bro is the littermate to the $50,000 boar pig we sold to Lackey Livestock & Lettow Showpigs at Kings of the Hill Pig Sale last fall. We retained a 1/3 interest in that pig who now carries the sale name ‘King of the Hill (KOH) and is housed at SGI. Little Bro was always a little smaller than his brother, hence the name, but like all little brothers, he finally grew up! His mother, one of our best generators, is a littermate to Up the Odds at Genetic Edge and Calcutta at 4K Farms. His grandmother is 108-10, the influential Hillbilly Sow from 4K that is also the mother of T118.  All kinds of sow power behind this one!