Roll Out (Crossbred)

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  • Regular price $250.00
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Roll Call x Kingpin x Never Before x Best Man
Bred By CSP Owned with Hammock


Excited to Introduce “Roll Out!” We are very proud of the set of boars we raised and gathered this time and Roll Out only adds to that. Visitors have frequently commented that we have lots of different kinds that can fit lots of sows. That is completely by design because we know different guys have all different kinds. Different is the best way to describe Roll Out. He is absolutely massive in terms of spread to his rib cage with a big powerful show barrow hip. We think he will be a front foot fixer as he is way up on his toes with the big hairy legs. But the part of Roll Out that wows visitors is his ability to flex and truly “Roll Out.” This boar is as bendy and loose as anything we’ve had and truly believe he can be an answer to sows that need more length of stride. Roll Out is as wild headed as the picture says he is and one that is going to give his offspring that look we all crave. Roll Out is sired by Roll Call who was bred by our friends at Goss Livestock, is on an absolute war path at the moment. On the female side, Roll Out has royalty running through his blood, his mother has the biggest legs on the farm and was the Grand Overall Breeding gilt at the Arkansas State Fair. His Never before grandma made the Grand at West Coast National last summer, and his great grandma is the legendary Best Man sow that is responsible for Blindside and a host of other winners from our firm. He’s ready to ROLL!