White Lines (Spot)

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  • Regular price $150.00
Tax included.

White Claw X Double Down

Bred by Dore Spots
Owned with Team Sloan Livestock & Lowdermilk Showpigs
Stress Negative
Ear Notch: 3-1
Registration: 182037001

-$35,000 Class Winning Boar from 2023 STC!
-Bred by one of the hottest, up and coming spotted firms that have built a strong sow herd with some incredible females!
-Thank you to 2 of the most decorated spotted programs in the nation for wanting to own a piece of this one!
-Double Down mother is a first litter female that originated from Lowdermilk and is a littermate to the Reserve Overall Barrow & Champion Spot at The Exposition in 2022!
-Easily one of the more exciting spotted boars we’ve added in some time!
-Wild combination of density, mass, and design!
-Sharp looking, tall shouldered and level built!
-Huge rib cage with impressive spread and dimension down his back!
-Large limbs and big feet that hit the surface square with great flexibility off both ends!
-His length of step, looseness of skeleton, and front foot squareness set him apart!
-This one phenotypically rivals any spotted boars that we have ever started and one that has been extremely popular since his arrival!
-We are pumped to have him here and see what he can do!
-Chase those WHITE LINES on your way to achieving spotted success!

Housed at Crossroads Genetics